November 05, 2016


BLNDN: Hi Antonio, thanks for chatting with us today! Give us a little insight into yourself and how you first got started with hair...

ANTONIO: Well, I started my career in England at the age of 16. I kind of fell into it. I have an older sister who at the time was a hair dresser. I knew college wasn't for me and so I decided to give hairdressing a go. I went for an interview at Raymond (who trained Sasson) and to my surprise, I got the job. I started and loved it. The rest is history so to say.

I opened my first salon in Cambridge England at the age of 20. In hindsight probably too young. I was also passionate about partying. Never the less it was successful, and is still going strong today. I sold my share when I moved to Seattle.


BLNDN: You've taken your career from Italy, to the UK all the way to Seattle. How do you think your international perspective lends to your creativity with client's hair?

ANTONIO: You know hair is hair, and women all over the world want to look beautiful. That can be classic or contemporary way. It's up to the hairdresser to find that perfect look.


BLNDN: What is your favorite project or favorite client you have had the opportunity to work on/or with?

ANTONIO: There have been many, but I guess the one that stands out would be a hair show that I lead a team for in Sardinia, Italy. It was cool to go back to my birthplace and showcase my work.


BLNDN: What would you say is your hair "specialty"?

ANTONIO: Without a doubt - cutting. Finding the perfect look for someone always gives me a kick.


BLNDN: If you could describe your hair aesthetic with one pop culture reference, what would it be?



BLNDN: As entrepreneurs ourselves, we love to hear entrepreneurial stories. Tell us how Antonio Salon began…

ANTONIO: Well, like I said earlier, I opened my first salon in England at the age of 20. I really wasn't building a brand then. 

This time it's different.

When my wife and I decided that we were going to raise our kids here in Seattle I knew I wanted to do my own thing. In a nutshell I wanted to invest in people. Meaning treating my staff well and in return creating a happy and healthy creative work environment that everyone enjoys and having a perfect work life balance.


BLNDN: That's awesome! So, what drew you in to the BLNDN line to pick up for your salon?

ANTONIO: Quite simply, I loved the fact that it was plant based, and that it was reparative and toning at the same time. Also, how simple it is to use, and that there aren't too many SKUs to it. Oh, and I love the packaging! Great job ladies!


BLNDN: Why, thank you! Do you have a favorite BLNDN product and why?

ANTONIO: We love the TONE YOU toning rinse here! It's got great versatility for the full spectrum of blondes. 


BLNDN: What trend do you see picking up for the holidays or for the beginning of 2017?

ANTONIO: I see a lot of reflective texture placement and hand painted color. A kind of elegant DIY look.


BLNDN: For fun, if you were forced to do your work with only 3 items, what would they be?

ANTONIO: Shears, comb, and Lizzie (my assistant)


BLNDN: Love that you included your assistant - Can't forget her!

So, say you're in charge of the salon's music for the day. What would you be playing?

ANTONIO: Probably the Rolling Stones with some 80's mashed in there.


BLNDN:Rock on! Lastly, Antonio, what advice to you have for BLNDN Babes who haven't tried out our products out yet? Maybe they are looking to switch up their haircare routine, or they're looking for a drastic color change and are going to be in need of major damage repair?

ANTONIO: It's a blonde miracle in a bottle!

If you are in the Seattle area, call up Antonio Salon to book a chair with the man of mod himself! In the meantime, peruse @antoniothesalon on Instagram to get your fix.

xx, Team BLNDN

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