June 15, 2016


We've all been there: Maybe you're 25. Maybe you're 45. No matter your age or hair color, finding a gray hair can catch you off guard. The good news? You're not alone. The other good news? BLNDN is here.

BLNDN is the only hair care line designed to reverse the effects of oxidation that come with aging hair. So whether you're rocking it or covering it up, the structural integrity of your locks will stay in tact.

So, let's get down to it; do you ever wonder if you turn gray first because you're either brunette or blonde? Ever wonder if you're graying prematurely? (Side note... it's totally normal.) Ever wonder if you're the only one that plans to bleach it until the day you die? (Also normal.)

So, what age is normal? Here's what we found:

  • Average age redheads start going gray:30
  • Average age brunette women start going gray:32
  • Average age blonde women start going gray:35
  • Average age British women begin going gray:33
  • Average age American women begin going gray:30
  • Average age women in the entertainment industry start going gray: 27
  • Number of women who reported instantly feeling old when they found their first gray: 33%
  • Number of women who reported feeling embarrassed:13%
  • Average number of women covering up their gray:88%
  • Number of women who vow to hide their gray until the day they die:32%

In our clinical trials, the results after using BLNDN were amazing!

  • Improvement in shine after use of BLNDN100%
  • Improvement in softness after use of BLNDN100%
  • Improvement in dryness after use of BLNDN97%
  • Improvement in appearance of damage after use of BLNDN94%
  • Number of professional hair care lines founded by women:1. (It's us of course!)

Team Blonde or Brunette? The results have revealed that everyone grays just about equally. And gray hair is notorious for becoming brittle and dry.

As we age, oxidation takes a serious toll on our locks through the buildup of Hydrogen Peroxide. And even if you're not a bottle blonde, you're not exempt from the big bad HP; it also comes with time, genetics, and (yep, you guessed it)... age. When this oxidation takes place, hair turns gray. That gray hair is now the dull, brittle and weak hair strands that have replaced your once strong and supple locks.

The BLNDN complex reverses the harmful effects of oxidation that inevitably take place as we age. We make strands, shiny, strong and bright again by repairing the structural integrity of the hair follicle. 

The BLNDN complex is science in a bottle, and took us many years, lots of science, and much coffee to finally master. Each BLNDN product is a carefully crafted combination of all-natural, enhancing ingredients that are clinically proven to combat the structural damage caused by oxidation-- regardless of whether the root of the damage is lightening, the aging process, or genetics. 

Fretting about going gray? Don't. You're in good company.

*Survey conducted by Charles Worthington Instant Root Concealer for Daily Mail UK. BLNDN statistics conducted by a 2015 Consumer Clinical Study at Essex Testing Clinic Facilities.

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